Putting Tips

Putting Tips
The putter is the most used club in your bag. About 40% of your total score come from putts. To get your golf game into the low handicap zone you’ll need to become a master on the green that’s where these putting tips will help. Getting on the green in two shots doesn’t do you much good if you’re three putting when you get there it still makes you a bogey golfer. The great thing about these putting tips is that you can practice them nearly everywhere.
As you know from watching the pros there is no set position when it comes to putting. It is more a comfort and feels than it is technique. Sure, there are putting fundamentals that most everyone incorporates in one form or other. Standing over the ball with the feet firmly planted, head and eyes over the top of the ball looking down, and stroking the ball with shoulder movements are all standard putting tips. Other than that, experiment with what works best for you.
Avoid the White Knuckled Golf Grip
Your muscles need to be relaxed and flexible. You’re never going to achieve a nice, smooth putting stroke if you are squeezing the grip like you’re strangling it. You’re going to end up with a jerky, tight stroke. Relax, it’s only a putt. Visualize the shot, go through your pre-shot routine, step to the ball, and make a confident stroke with a relaxed grip.
Keep Your Head Down
It’s been said before and it’ll be said again, “keep your head down.” Watch the ball through impact. Your playing partners will let you know if it’s a good putt by their reactions. I believe it’s vanity that makes us want to watch our successes. Let it go and focus on the fundamentals. Dropping those putts will give you more confidence. Confidence breeds confidence.
Putting Drills
• Practice, practice, practice. Practice these putting tips at home, at the practice green before and after a round, and anywhere else you can grab 15 or 20 minutes of free time. It’s the focus, concentration, and muscle memorization and development that you’re after.
• Follow a specific routine for each practice putt. The same one you use on the golf course. You want to train the subconscious mind to recognize the routine and then focus itself on making the putt.
• An effective putting stroke is a straight, level putting stroke. Lay two clubs on the ground parallel to each other and about the width of your putter apart. Practice putting without hitting the handles of the clubs. Your putting stroke should move much like a pendulum swinging from the shoulders in a straight line.
• Get to the golf course a half an hour before your tee time and spend some quality time on the practice green. You’ll get a feel for the speed of the greens which should help your score. Practice from the fringe and do some short chips and putts. Hit some 30 footers to the same area from different spots of the green and watch the speed, break, and other reactions.
• Concentrate on practicing putts within 10 or 12 feet of the pin. This is where the majority of your putts are made from on the course. Master putts from this range and you can eliminate the nasty 3 putts that mar a scorecard.

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